"The Life and Times of Sherlock Holmes, Volume 1"

by Liese Sherwood-Fabre

Return to London, 1895
The First Engaging Essay Collection on References to Sherlock Holmes' Everyday Life
# History
# Victorian
# Nonfiction
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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories are full of references to everyday activities and events from Victorian times that make the twenty-first-century reader run to the reference shelf. Few, for example, are intimately acquainted with the responsibilities of a country squire, the importance of gentlemen's clubs, or the intricacies of the Victorian monetary system. These twenty-four short essays explore various aspects of life mentioned in the original tales of Sherlock Holmes, providing modern-day insight into the nineteenth-century world.

Save 30% if you buy all five volumes together!

Title: "The Life and Times of Sherlock Holmes, Volumes 1 - 5"

Exploring Holmes’ Era: A Journey Through Victorian England

The entire collection of more than 120 articles on the historic and mundane of Victorian England

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